Supporting Families, Preventing Tragedies

How YOU can help

There are many ways that you can support us here at AIM – you could start by ‘liking’ our Facebook Page. You can tell your friends about us – get the subject out there, get the discussions happening, and spread the word. And you can also help in one of the following ways:

Contribute Stories:

We welcome the personal stories from families who have experienced the flaws and failures of our maternity service. Share your story, including a photo if you like, and allow us to put it up on this website in the “Our Stories” section. Many families that are already featured on the site have indicated that they found it a very healing process. We will respect your story as your own, and enable you to alter it later should you choose to.

Contribute Skills and Ideas:

Our network already includes many health professionals, legal specialists, media and other skill sets but we will always welcome more! Perhaps you have an idea or a skill that you are willing to share with us. We cannot change this system alone, and can always use help – anything from an Obstetrician offering to view birth notes, to a graphic designer willing to print information booklets. Perhaps you’ve seen an article or some new information that you think may be relevant. We appreciate, and respond to, all offers of assistance.

Contribute Funds:

Up until recently, our dedicated core team have given literally thousands of dollars (and man hours!) to this very important work. But no-one can self-fund a program such as this forever, especially when the need is a national one.

Contributions go directly to Action to Improve Maternity Trust and will help AIM actively support families in need – assisting them to get the right medical and legal advice, walking them through the complex complaint procedures, linking them with other families living in similar circumstances, and providing loving care and an understanding ear whenever they need it, 24/7. The funds will also enable us to raise awareness, and further educate future families of their choices using evidence-based information, ensuring they have the chance to be truly fully informed and empowering them to make the best decisions for their family.

As AIM is a registered Charitable Trust, all contributions are tax deductible.

Just email us after your deposit and we’ll issue a receipt and your special personalised acknowledgement for becoming one of Charley’s Angels :)

Donating has never been easier! Go to our Donate page now to contribute instantly via PayPal. You’ll also learn there about the special Charley’s Angels gifts we have on offer for our kind benefactors.

Deposits can also be made at any ASB branch (you won’t even need our account number). Or you can use the number below in order to deposit online.

ASB: 12-3152-0197088-00

We ask that you dig deep – hold raffles and cake stalls, dust off the collection tins at work, and search under the couch cushions! Every little bit helps. Every little bit is appreciated. Many Kiwi babies are born without harm as a matter of luck. Help us help those that weren’t so lucky, and attain our goals for a more certain future.

AIM – Supporting Families, Preventing Tragedies

With thanks,

The AIM Team


Red Flags

        RED FLAGS

  • Lack of monitoring
  • “Normalising” the abnormal
  • Lack of action/delay in getting emergency care
  • Going over due date
  • Failure to progress in labour
  • Meconium-stained liquor (waters)
  • Lengthy handover during emergency
  • Inconsistent reporting and documentation
  • Your concerns being ignored

    Click here to read more about common warning signs


The content of this website is offered for information purposes only and is not intended in any way to be a substitute for medical advice. It should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem. Always check with your medical practitioner if you have concerns about your condition or treatment. AIM is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by the information on this site.

This website contains links to websites operated by third parties. Such links are provided for reference only. AIM does not control such websites and is therefore not responsible for their content.